Licensing Exchange Platform




User Experience Design


Restructuring and redesigning the ILOCX platform.


ILOCX relied on traditional navigation and communication methods, including long forms and email exchanges, which created friction in the user journey. This led to slower deal-making processes, lower user engagement, and difficulties for licensors to manage active licenses efficiently.



  • Website analytics, conversion rates and large, active user base.


  • Overhaul the platform’s user experience to streamline these processes

  • Structuring data both visually and through the database schema.

  • Migrating existing users onto new platform with minimal disruption.

  • Increasing discoverability of opportunities to both licensees and licensors.

Card Sorting & Information Architecture (IA) Redesign

We conducted card sorting exercises and redefined the information architecture from the ground up. This helped us construct an intuitive navigational menu that allowed users to reach their desired sections within a couple of clicks. The simplified structure made the platform feel less daunting, empowering users to explore and complete tasks quickly and efficiently.


One of the most transformative changes was moving from forms and emails to a message-based communication system. This feature boosted responses and inquiries significantly, streamlining communication between brands, manufacturers, and licensees. The result was a 14% increase in deals within the first three months, translating into over $20 million in deal value and $2 million added to the platform's bottom line.

Enhanced Browsing

To improve discoverability, we redesigned browse pages to be more accessible, leveraging platform data to create tailored recommendations. This made it easier for users to find relevant licensing opportunities, leading to more meaningful engagements and matches.

Platform usage surged, with users spending 140% more time on the platform and returning more frequently (a 28% increase in visits).

Increased Deals

Licensors gained new tools that improved their ability to manage relationships and stay updated on licenses, increasing efficiency across the board.

The message-based system directly contributed to a 14% increase in deals within three months, equating to over $20 million in deal value and $2 million in additional revenue for ILOCX.

Platform usage surged, with users spending 140% more time on the platform and returning more frequently (a 28% increase in visits).